My favorite headwraps

Make your headwraps a part of your attire!


I’m a huge proponent of wearing headwraps.

Headwrap - Haenley Studio

I started wearing and experimenting with different tying methods since 2017. In terms of tying a headwrap, I still have a long way to go. The quick tying methods I’ve learned thus far have brought me a long way. They have been, with no stretch of the word, lifesavers!

Headwraps can make a fun addition to your outfit. Headwraps range from solid colors to intricate patterns and a mix of colors.

Unsure if you can incorporate a headwrap? Here are some tips:

  • Select the headwrap and outfit combination you have in mind in advance
  • If your headwrap is a pattern, your typical go-to of black or white will work; or you can experiment with your colors by wearing a solid colored top, matching a dominant color found in your wrap.
  • If your headwrap is a solid color, try adding some prints to your attire
  • Learning to tie “your perfect” method takes some time to master
  • If how you’ve tied your wrap doesn’t meet your standards, unwrap it and try again
  • If you’re planning to wear it to work or an event, give yourself plenty of time just in-case you have to re-wrap
  • Watch head wrapping tutorial videos on Youtube


My headwrap collection features mostly, African print and a few solids. This form of print is known for combining various color patterns throughout the fabric. There’s usually a dominant color you can identify. In the image above, the dominant colors are blue and burnt orange. This headwrap will look great in a solid blue outfit or a burnt orange outfit.

One feature I like in my headwraps are satin insides.

The satin lined portion helps protect your hair from snagging from the fabric. It removes the friction altogether allowing your twists to stay in place. If you didn’t choose a satin-lined headwrap, before wrapping your hair with a cloth-based fabric, tie your hair down with a thin satin scarf.

Jaune By Haenley Pierre
juane heanley pierre

You can buy your headwrap in stores or online. Here’s a list!

These are places of that I’ve purchased or may one day purchase headwraps, headbands and other hair accessories:

Support your local businesses!

Need a headwrap tying Youtube tutorial video?
Here’s some to watch:

If you have some recommendations of places or online stores to get quality headwraps, comment below!

Do you have a go to headwrap tying tutorial video? Post your link below !

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